Monday, May 16, 2011

Congress Is Intent On FCC Reform...

Congress is asking questions. There's a growing feeling in Washington that however the FCC answers those questions won't satisfy members on the hill. Friday's hearing on FCC Reform featured the quizzing of the FCC about its processes and authority, according to the Freepress. Shockingly, the subcommittee didn't once mention the defection of Commissioner Meredith Baxter's questionable departure for Comcast after voting for the company's merger with NBC Universal. A huge oversight...

Congress may have given the FCC a pass on Baxter but they are still intent on seeing reform enacted at the agency. The subcommittee questioned the recent adoption of open internet rules and approval of the Comcast-NBC Universal merger. The Freepress has collected thousands of letters calling on Republican Representative Darrell Issa and his colleagues to investigate Baker's move to Comcast. Issa is the chairman of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Freepress President and CEO Craig Aaron says "It's no wonder why so many Americans are disgusted with business as usual in Washington. It's time for Congress to investigate and expose such blatant conflicts of interest (re: Baker's departure), to slow down the revolving door, and to confront the larger issues that are preventing the FCC from making policies that actually benefit the American public." ...

I can't speak for the Freepress which has it's own agenda but it's time for reform at the FCC. Reform and then stability. The FCC has become a revolving door for ambitious players and climbers who use the agency as a spring board for higher paying jobs. That nonsense has to stop for the agency to have any credibility... 

Timeline Memories
1888] Not Cousin Brucie?: Emile Berliner becomes the first radio disc jockey when his voice is heard on a flat disc demo...
1929] Oscar debuts: The first Academy Awards are presented during a banquet at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel...
1946] Musical debut: "Annie Get Your Gun" opens on Broadway...
1957] At the Copa: A brawl breaks out at the 29th birthday party for Billy Martin at the Copacabana. Billy, Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, Whitey Ford, Johnny Kucks, Hank Bauer and assorted spouses take part in the melee. Lots are fines are handed down and in four weeks Billy Martin wears a Kansas City uniform...
1966] Released on this date: "Pet Sounds" LP - Beach Boys...
2002] Finding a Pearl: The remains of kidnapped Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, 38, are found and will be returned to his wife...
2010] Black gold: Scientists find enormous oil plumes in the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long in spots as they discover that the leak from the broken undersea well could be worse than originally thought...

"Happy Birthday...happy birthday": Tori Spelling (38), David Boreanaz (42), Tucker Carlson (42), Janet Jackson (45), Mare Winningham (52), Debra Winger (56), Olga Korbut (56) & Pierce Brosnan (58)...

Timeline Countdown: 14 days until Memorial Day, 34 days until Fathers Day, 37 days until summer & 49 days until July 4th...